

There is a large hall where contact sessions take place. The hall is always manned by a minimum of 2 volunteers, tables and chairs. There are also 2 Co-ordinators at every contact session.

There is a meeting room where we hold meetings and reviews. If you need to speak to a Co-ordinator in private, please ask to use the meeting room.

The Centre is fully equipped for disabled access, with a disabled parking bay and ramp outside. Meeting rooms, the hall and the sanctuary are on the ground floor. There are ladies and gents lavatories with baby changing facilities.

 Opening Times

Child Contact Centre operates on a fortnightly basis with contact sessions running from 2 – 4pm.

Non-resident parents are welcome to arrive between 1:45 and 2pm. Children should arrive at 2pm and will be returned to their resident parent at 4pm. Non-resident parents are asked to remain behind until 4:15pm.

We appreciate that from time to time contact may not be possible due to holidays, illness or special occasions.

Please email us with as much notice as possible if you or your child will not be able to attend a contact session.


Kingston Child Contact Centre is managed and run by unpaid volunteers.

Our aim is to make contact between children and non-resident parents affordable and available to all.

There is a one-off registration fee of £50 (usually paid by the non-resident parent) upon acceptance of the terms of using the Centre. Thereafter there is a £10 fee for each contact session (usually paid by the non-resident parent).

Concessions are sometimes available for low-income families and are assessed on an individual basis. If you are in need of a reduced rate, please contact us.